Monday, May 13
7:00pm | Wisdom from the Field
Panelists: Chad Conaty, Manna Food Bank | Katherine Miller, NCSU | Andrea Jenkins, Winston Salem State University | Chelsea Rudisill, Greenville Arts Center | Daniel Prohaska, Lions Vision Services
Moderator: Debbie Romano, Wells Fargo
Tuesday, May 14
9:00am | Artificial Intelligence and Fundraising
Speaker: Aleks Chojnacki, Dataro
10:45am | Round Table Discussions
1:00pm | Nonprofit Boards and Fundraising
Speaker: Debbie Romano, Wells Fargo
1:00pm | The Power of Deferred and Flexible Deferred Gift Annuities
Speaker: Tim Prosser, TIAA Kaspick
1:00pm | Partner for Success: Creating a Culture of Stewardship
Speaker: Elizabeth Ayers, UNC Chapel Hill
2:15pm | Partnering with Community Foundations Panel
Panelists: Gina Blohm, The Community Foundation of Greenville | Phyllis Martin, The Jewish Endowment Foundation of South Carolina | Sara Piner, Foundation for the Carolinas
Moderator: Melissa Levesque, Coastal Community Foundation |
2:15pm | The Ethics of the Ask
Speaker: Clay Grayson, Grayson Law Firm
2:15pm | David & Goliath: Facing Financial Giants in Applying for and Receiving IRA Death Claims
Speaker: Karen Smedley, Duke University
2:15pm | Women, Wealth & Legacy
Speaker: Keatley Scroggins, CFRE, CAP, PNC Private Bank Hawthorn
3:30pm | Shifting an Organizational Culture to Raise Noncash Assets and What You Need to Know to Confidently Discuss This with Donors
Why We Should be Prepared to Accept Them and What Do We Need to Know About Them?
Speakers: Joe Bull, Philanthropy Advisory Council | Jackie Franey, JW Franey Consulting
Wednesday, May 15
9:00am | Leveraging PG Professional Development & Certifications to Carve Your Path to Career Growth
Speaker: Carlo Laurore, Boy Scouts of America
10:30am | Wealth of Narratives: Diverse Money Stories in Planned Giving
Speaker: Andrew Tudor, Alchemist Wealth
10:30am | What's Wrong with This Gift?
Speaker: Joe Bull, Philanthropy Advisory Council
10:30am | Attracting, Recruiting, and Retaining Gift Planning Professionals
Speaker: Jackie Franey, JW Franey Consulting
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