Shifting an Organizational Culture to Raise Noncash Assets and What You Need to Know to Confidently Discuss This with Donors

Shifting an Organizational Culture to Raise Noncash Assets and What You Need to Know to Confidently Discuss This with Donors

There has been much discussion surrounding the importance of having deliberate conversations with donors regarding giving from wealth (assets) rather than disposable income. We know that donors often lack awareness of the range of available giving vehicles and options, primarily thinking cash when making a significant gift to charity. In addition, fundraisers that are unfamiliar or hesitant to have noncash asset discussions with donors may leave it up to donors to determine how they will fund their gifts. The expertise of gift planning staff should routinely be included in donor strategy discussions across the organization when working with principal, major and planned giving donors. By leveraging the partnership and expertise of gift planning staff, opportunities can be maximized to increase funding and impact from donors with substantial capacity and move the organization’s perspective to one based on raising significantly larger and more transformational gifts. This presentation will focus on using data and successful strategies to build a case for support for building an organizational focus on incorporating the how of giving noncash assets into deeper conversations with donors to secure more outright, blended, and planned gifts.

Jackie Franey, CAP, CPGS | JW Franey Consulting

Joseph Bull, JD | Philanthropy Advisory Council

Tuesday, May 14 | 3:30pm


Jackie F
Joe B